The Edgar Bacon Memorial Fund was established in 2016 by the friends and family who wanted to honor his memory. Edgar touched the lives of many 4-H and Junior Fair youth, as well as many youth throughout the Mahoning County area through his dedication and service in youth programs. Edgar had a true passion for photography and music. His wishes, along with his wife – Peg and children, were to establish a scholarship to assist youth to pursue their dream to follow a career in the musical and/or photographic arts.
Edgar left quietly in 2016, and shortly after, Peg Bacon followed Edgar to their heavenly home. A great loss was felt by those who were privileged to meet such dedicated individuals. Edgar and Peg were both very reserved individuals who never wished to be acknowledged for their good deeds, nor needed to be in the spotlight.
Over the years they not only volunteered in the community, but opened their home to foster children. Both did not want much recognition for the work they did in touching so many lives, but we would like to believe that by establishing this memorial fund; their quiet touch will still exist with every youth that receives this scholarship.